Intense Sandbag Workout


Hello everyone, as promised here is my tailored sandbag workout to build explosive strength and sta- bility.

I do apologize, I’m still waiting for a camera tripod….(takes big sigh), so I haven’t been able to produce my own pictures, however I’ll be using Dalibor Petrinic 30 sandbag exercises Part 1, and Part 2 as a reference towards the sets (please click link to view)

Part 1:


Workout 1

So lets get down to it…each exercise will consists of 3 sets of 12reps with two exercises, combining a super set.

Between each set will be 30-45 seconds rest time. (make sure you have water at arms length)

Exercise 1: Rotational Alt Lunge
Start in a standing position, legs shoulder width apart. Swing the weighted sandbag to your side (lets say your Right side for example) simultaneously going into a lunge position with your opposite leg behind you (Left leg in this example) for support and balance. After this position explode upwards, bringing your arms parallel to the floor (roughly chin length), then follow the motion for the opposite side (this is 1 rep). For reference this is at 0.38-0.50 seconds in the ‘Part 1’ linked video.

Exercise 2: Floor Wipers
Start lying down legs straight, with the weighted sandbag held in-front of your face. Contract your abs bringing your legs towards the sandbag, whilst doing this bring on of your shins in contact with the apposite hand (for example right shin to touch left hand) then use a slow contracted motion bringing your legs just above the floor and repeat the process for the opposite side (this counts as 1 rep) For reference this is at 3.08-3.26 seconds in the ‘Part 2’ linked video.

So after all 3 sets, have a rest for 2 minutes (make sure you take this time to drink plenty of water)

Workout 2

Now for Workout 2, after the 2 minutes rest (plus the additional you’ve added on…don’t worry there’s no shame in knowing your limits). Same sets and reps apply in Workout 1.

This workout is set to build up to breaking those limits, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

The targeted muscle in the first exercise aims the upper chest (Pectoralis Major – Sternocostal Part for you muscle lovers) and the shoulders.

Exercise 1: Press
Start in a standing position, legs shoulder width apart (all that bla bla blaaa!!). Grab the weighted sandbag on the outer side. Hold the sandbag just below the chin, then in a controlled movement raise above your head. For reference this is at 2:00-2:15 seconds in the ‘Part 1‘ linked video.

Exercise 2: Side Lunge
Start in a standing position, legs wider than shoulder width. Hold the top two handles of the sandbag, rotate your arms so your hugging the sandbag underneath your chin, then lean (Right side for example) whilst bending the knee and repeat opposite side (this is 1 rep)